
41st ELC Meeting - Welcome


The 41st Scientific meeting of the ELC will be held at the Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing, Germany, from September 10-13, 2018. The abstract submission will be open from February 01 - May 01, 2018. The Organising Committee will review the abstracts and notifications are expected to go out by June 26 at the latest.


An invitation from the Chairman

I would like to welcome everyone to join the 41st edition of the European Lipoprotein Club meeting, with a special welcome to those investigators working in the lipid and lipoprotein field who are new to ELC! This meeting allows you to present and learn from outstanding science and broaden your network during various events in an informal and interactive atmosphere. I wish everyone success in his or her scientific work, so we have an excellent basis to maintain the highest scientific level of the 41st ELC meeting.

Looking forward to meeting you all in wonderful Tutzing!

Patrick Rensen
Professor, Chairman of the ELC

General formation

The 41st Scientific meeting of the ELC will be held at the Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing, Germany, from September 10-13, 2018.

The concept of the meeting is a good mix of presentations by research investigators, postdocs and graduate students. The abstracts are all selected according to their scientific merit, and it has become one of the traditions of the ELC meeting that many graduate students give presentations.

In order to participate in the meeting, your abstract needs to be accepted for presentation either orally or as poster. The abstract submission will be open from February 01 - May 01, 2018. The Organising Committee will review the abstracts and notifications are expected to go out by June 26 at the latest.

Accepted presenters are expected to be present for the duration of the meeting and accommodation is provided at the meeting venue and is included in the registration fee.


The ientific programme will based on three to five topics, selected by the organising committee, to be discussed at the meeting, in five working sessions spread over four days, starting with a Keynote Lecture on Monday evening, September 10, 2018.

Read more about the programme and the invited speakers

A preliminary programme for the meeting will be available by mid-July, 2018. The final programme will be based on the abstracts accepted for oral presentation and will be available by mid-August.

Abstract submission - NOW OPEN

Abstract submission will be open from February 01 - May 01, 2018.

Read more about the abstract submission:
Important to know
Abstract submission - Step by step


Registration fees;

  • € 400 for participants >35 years of age
  • € 200 for participants ≤35 years of age

Read more about what is included in the fee.


Queries about the meeting should be sent to the email address:



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