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Plenary speakers in the spotlight: Majesky and Landmesser

Focus on... EAS 2012 Milan

As we count down to this year's Congress, each week we highlight speakers who will participate in EAS 2012.

This week the speakers in the spotlight are Professor Mark Majesky and Professor Ulf Landmesser, who will take part in the EAS 2012 Plenary Session CELLULAR AND HUMORAL FACTORS IN THE ARTERIAL WALL DETERMINE THE COURSE OF ATHEROGENESIS AND VASCULAR FUNCTION, 26 May, 2012.

Professor Mark Majesky


Mark Majesky is an internationally recognized expert in the field of stem cell biology. He is currently Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington, Associate Director of the Center for Tissue and Cell Sciences, and Director of the Myocardial Regeneration Initiative at Seattle Children's Research Institute.

Dr. Majesky’s research is centred on understanding basic mechanisms of formation and repair of blood vessels. A key focus concerns the development and fate of vascular stem/progenitor cells that reside in the adventitial layer of the artery wall.

Coronary progenitors found in the pro-epicardium are the forerunners for the endothelium, smooth muscle and adventitial cells of the coronary vasculature. Defining the mechanisms involved in the differentiation of the embryonic vasculature may provide insights into the formation, regression, remodelling and repair of blood vessels in later life.

Emerging evidence suggests that the adventitia provides a niche-like signalling environment for progenitor stem cells in the artery wall with the capacity to respond to arterial injury. Studies have shown that progenitor cells can be mobilized to differentiate to mural-like cells in vitro, and may promote angiogenesis in vivo. The adventitia is also involved in immune surveillance, inflammation and via the vasa vasorum, acts as a gateway for migration of macrophages and leukocytes into the intima. These findings suggest a potential role for the adventitia in coronary artery repair, remodelling and disease.

Understanding the role of the adventitia may have important application in stem and progenitor cell-based therapies, as well as in the management of congenital heart defects and other cardiac abnormalities.

Key references

Majesky MW, Dong XR, Hoglund V, Mahoney WM Jr, Daum G. The adventitia: a dynamic interface containing resident progenitor cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2011;31:1530-9.

Majesky MW, Dong XR, Regan JN, Hoglund VJ. Vascular smooth muscle progenitor cells: building and repairing blood vessels. Circ Res 2011;108:365-77.

Hoglund VJ, Majesky MW. Patterning the artery wall by lateral induction of notch signaling. Circulation 2012;125:212-5.

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